Life in Art Exhibition Started
"Life in Art," a project to expand art based on the theme of everyday art, has introduced the works of artists – no matter famous or unknown, ancient or modern, from Japan or overseas – whose creations resonate with us, and has been holding exhibitions at IDÉE and MUJI stores so far.
In order to further expand our efforts, we are holding the "Life in Art Exhibition" from Friday, July 9 to Sunday, September 5 at three types of venues, IDÉE TOKYO, MUJI GINZA, and Satellite Galleries, under the theme of "Each Life in Art”.
MUJI GINZA will hold art exhibits throughout the entire building, including the MUJI HOTEL, presenting the works of 27 artists. IDÉE TOKYO will host an auction for works of more than 50 artists, including those who have close connections with IDÉE and MUJI, to connect art to the next generation. In addition, we will expand the number of places where people can encounter art as "Life in Art Satellite Galleries" by connecting with 31 stores, hotels and galleries.
In addition, during this period, a limited-time POP-UP store will open in Kuramae, downtown Tokyo. We will select, edit and sell samples and stock items collected from around the world, as well as store fixtures that have served their purpose among the many things lying dormant in the warehouses of MUJI and IDÉE.
By incorporating art into daily life, the exhibition aims, through art, to encourage people to think about their relationship with the community and the society they live in as well as the connections among people, and to reconsider their lives. We hope that the "Life in Art Exhibition" will bring art closer to you, help you appreciate the diverse value of art, and lead you to find the one and only work that moves you.

Life in Art Exhibition Period: Friday, July 9, 2021 to Sunday, September 5, 2021
Location: IDÉE TOKYO, MUJI GINZA, Satellite Galleries
<MUJI GINZA Exhibition Artists>
Samiro Yunoki (Dyer), Masakatsu Shimoda (Illustrator/Painter), Hiroshi Awatsuji (Textile Designer), Ichiro Yamaguchi (Painter), Makoto Matsubayashi (Printmaker/Artist), Kenichiro Fujii (Representative of krank/marcello) and artists (a total of 27).
<Works at the IDÉE TOKYO Auction>
Akira Minagawa (designer, minä perhonen) / Naoto Fukasawa (product designer) / Masako Ito (stylist) / Shinichiro Nakahara (founder, Landscape Products) / Daisuke Matsushima (president, PADDLERS COFFEE) / Yusuke Hanai (artist) and others (more than 50 participants in total)
< Life in Art Satellite Gallery>
Please check here for participating stores and spaces.
https://www.idee-lifeinart.com/satellitegallery/ (in Japanese)

【Open for a limited time only】
In the MUJI and IDÉE warehouse, we store samples and stock items collected from all over the world, one-of-a-kind handcrafted items, and store equipment and fixtures that have completed their mission. FROM THE WAREHOUSE MUJI AND IDÉE STORE will select, edit, and sell items from the wide range items lying dormant in the warehouse.
(*To be held in August 2021. For more information, please check the official Life in Art website at:
https://www.idee-lifeinart.com/(in Japanese))
【Life in Art related sites】
Life in Art Official Website (in Japanese)
Life in Art Instagram (in Japanese)